Bouvet Island

Cities: Skylines Mods |

Bouvet Island

Have you ever wanted to just get away from all the chaos the world? Too much corruption for your liking, or are you afraid of where the world is heading, or do you simply just want to exert your influence in a new part of the world? Well look no further, as you can now colonise the most isolated island on Earth, Bouvet Island. In the middle of nowhere, thousands of kilometres from the nearest other land, this island is perfect for your isolationist fantasies. Take charge of other like-minded expats and set up your own city without any interference from the rest of the world.

You will need to use the “unlock all” mod to be able to play this map, as there is no highway to keep the aesthetic of the map. Plane and ship connections are available on this map. There also no resources on this map to keep it realistic, as in real life the island is 90% covered in glacier, with the rest of it snow covered by sharp, eroded volcanic rock.

In real life, this island is controlled by Norway who operate an unmanned weather station. The island is listed as a protected area as it is home to migratory birds, penguins and seals, and has been used to hunt whales and seals in the past. The middle of the island houses a dormant volcano, and the island’s interior is not accessible due to being surrounded by high cliffs and glaciers. As a result of it’s location below the Antarctic circle, freezing year-round temperatures, inaccessibility due to high cliffs and glaciers, and it’s remoteness, this island is inhospitable to human life and no human lived on this island longer than a few weeks.

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If you haven’t heard about the Cities: Skylines Mods, it’s definitely the time to be introduced. These additional files provide a gamer with extra features which are not originally included to the game. Cities: Skylines Mods free files are costless and can accessed by everyone who is interested. The Cities: Skylines Mods download can be completed easily without putting much effort. All you need to do is save the file to your PC and follow the instructions. There should be any problem with that, so no worries. Huge mass of players is using Cities: Skylines Mods around the world, so you shouldn’t stay behind – just click on Cities: Skylines Mods download button and go for the amazing upgrade! The Cities: Skyline game will change massively and it’s all for the best. Who could refuse adding useful functionality to the game? Definitely not you! So complete Cities: Skylines Mods download and take a look at the new version of the game made exactly by you. Sounds fascinating, isn’t it? But it’s better seeing yourself and fulfilling your craziest ideas. We bet there is bunch of them! Express your creativity and make it as useful as never before. It’s definitely a chance to take!

Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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