
Cities: Skylines Mods |


Gibraltar v1

This map centers around the Bay of Gibraltar. To the map’s east is the Rock of Gibraltar; to the west and north is Spain; and to the south is the Mediterranean and Africa.

Captured by a combined Anglo-Dutch fleet during the 1704 War of the Spanish Succession, the territory was ceded to the British with the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht. Twice, the Spanish would try to recapture the territory, first in 1727 and later in 1779, but both would fail. The British would maintain the territory as a naval base, which only increase in value with the opening of the Suez canal, allowing the British to protect the valuable trade routes to the British Isles and allow ships to resupplied on their way to Great Britain’s Far East holdings.

During World War II, Gibraltar was fortified to protect it from the threat of German invasion, though it never came. Soon after the war, Spain’s dictator Francisco Franco tried to assert Spain’s control over Gibraltar, but the residents remained unfazed and voted overwhelmingly to remain part of Great Britain. In 2002, the population of Gibraltar again voted to remain part of Great Britain, and soon an agreement was made between the UK, Spain, and Gibraltar ending certain restrictions and easing others.

Read more on Wikipedia[]

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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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