The Underworld

Cities: Skylines Mods |

The Underworld

Is your soul pure enough to be able to start your own city on Elysium? Or are you condemned to the punishing lands of the Underworld to pay for your crimes and build a new city for Hades?

This map is a divided landscape that is based on the afterlife in Greek mythology. At one side a torched and rugged Underworld and on the other side the heavenly Elysium.

Elysium is rich with forests and farmlands and sits on high plateaus which the damned souls of the underworld can’t reach. The Underworld has an abundance of ore and oil and is filled with craters and spiky rocks to build around.

– Both sides have 2 highway and 2 railroad connections and they share the 4 ship and airplane routes. Some suitable harbor areas are mostly along the beaches on the edges of each side. The railroads are all placed parallel to the highways which can be demolished temporarily to make way for highway exits. When you have unlocked the trainstations don’t forget to reconnect any demolished railroad in your city areas!

– The highways and railroads of both sides are not connected to emphasize the different landscapes. But it should be no problem to build direct highway connections from the lower Underworld to the high plateau of Elysium.

– About 100k trees have been placed alrdy.

– Starting Area in the middle has plenty of windmill and waterpump positions to give you the freedom to decide where to expand to. My advice is not to place a sewage pump at the top of the waterfall unless you love the view of a brown/purple waterfall ?

– The sun rises behind Elysium and sets behind the Underworld. The sunset can be especially beautifull when the spiky mountain shadows slowly crawl accross the landscape!

– The map theme is Temperate. During the making and playtesting of this map I have used the European Color Correction which i liked for the gorgeous sunset colors and a brighter and more contrast rich look.

A Tropical version of this map can be found here:

Everything is handsculpted in the map editor and even took a bit longer to make than Dragoons Bluff. I’m looking forward to hear from you guys which side you took and what you think of this kind of map!

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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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