The Frostic Fall
Heya and welcome to a new exciting theme.
This theme shows both snow and summer / fall seasons or spring so we call it a mixed theme.
It has been a long journey to make this happen, as you all can see that Mr Miyagi is presented as a contributor also to this theme, and because he has been my knowledge master, my supporting friend and also contributes with his textures to make this happen.
So textures used by this theme is edited by me some is taken from Textures.com and some are from Mr Miyagis or my own collection and then edited by me to fit in this theme.
So sand is used in this theme as snow – from our collection
Ore is used for pebble stones – texture from texture.com – edited by me.
Oil is used as Gravel – from our collection
Pavement is a bit special, but looks good. – texture.com
Ruined is transparant.
Cliff texture is remade / edited for this theme, its the same Alp dolomites theme uses.
Questions – Put em in comments.
Enjoy this theme and let us see your creativity making beatiful maps with this theme….
Ecania and Mr Miyagi