Tenasi River

Cities: Skylines Mods |

Tenasi River

Welcome to the rich, fertile valley of the Tenasi River!

Tenasi River was born of a desire to create a large, powerful, and winding river. Inspired by rivers such as the Colorado and Mississippi, Tenasi River is a wide, bending river that snakes through a fertile and heavily forested valley. It is fed by numerous smaller tributaries and a large natural reservoir. The river itself is also a major route for shipping traffic, providing a robust waterway for large ships to venture deeper inland than most rivers would allow. Will you build a city of industry and mass production along this waterway? Will you conquer the mighty Tenasi? Or will it conquer you?

What the heck does “Tenasi” mean?
Tenasi River is named for the historical Cherokee town of Tenasi (more commonly, Tanasi) where we get the name Tennessee. The town served as the de facto Cherokee capital in the 1720s. The historically significant Tanasi is currently submerged under the Tellico Reservoir, a lake created by the Tellico Dam, completed by the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1979. A later Cherokee capital, Chota, is also largely submerged by the reservoir.


– Handcrafted, based on heavily modified real-world terrain data from the Tennessee River valley west of Chattanooga.
– Very interesting tile choices. The landscape surrounding the starting tile is quite varied and each tile offers its own unique challenges.
– Plenty of wind power on the starting tile. (Your welcome, Neceros!)
– Dense forest, Agriculture, Ore, and some Oil deposits are all available.
– Highway, Rail, Sea, and Air connections are all available (of course).
– Some very stunning vistas. I very nearly couldn’t stop taking screenshots of this one.

Gameplay Notes:

– The tributaries feeding the main river are in large part dam friendly (but no guarantees on how powerful they’ll be). The Tenasi River itself, however, is NOT dam friendly. First, it is home to your shipping traffic, so unless you want the odd behavior of ships sailing across the land, I wouldn’t do it. Second, due to how the river is created (at sea level with water drains for proper flow) a dam that produces electricity simply isn’t possible.

– If you use the 25 tile mod I think just about every tile should have something to offer for your city-building desires. Some are better than others, certainly, but they should all be interesting choices.

Final Thoughts:

Boulder Rapids was the popular one (I think I just had really good timing there) and Powatan Valley I think was a technically superior map. Tenasi River is my favorite (at least for now). I think it combines everything I’ve learned about making maps for C:SKY very well and offers a lot of gameplay options for just about all tastes. Plenty of flat(ish) land for city grids. Plenty of mountainous cliffs for infrastructure challenges. Plenty of amazing views.

As always the support you guys have shown me has been awesome and I thank you. Please feel free to provide feedback as I do consider it all carefully. Also, if you post screenshots, videos, and the like using content that I’ve created send me a link! I would love to see it!

Thanks all! Happy city building!

Scotland Tom
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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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