
Cities: Skylines Mods |



A high-speed stack interchange, different from my previous 5-level one because of its reduced height and more sweeping curves. I’d say this is very much an ‘I-20 near Dallas, TX’[]-type of interchange; they seem to grow on trees there!

Size: 228×228 cells laterally (including some shallow splits and merges at the ends), 40 cells across the diagonal when measuring the right-hand connectors, and about 54 cells across when measuring the left-hand ones.
Base cost: 124880 (phwoar!)
Upkeep: 1474 p/w
Max height: 27 meters
Right-hand drive

Built with:
Precision Engineering
Fine Road Heights Mod

Usable without mods!

Part of my real life-sized interchange collection.

Check out the guide I created on making these kinds of real life-sized interchanges.

Technical description

Compared to my earlier, five-level effort, this four-level stack is both lower and larger in footprint. The former because it lacks a ground-level frontage road system of course, and the latter because the left-hand connectors are designed for a slightly higher speed.

Still, the interchange clocks in at a 27m maximum height, showing that a reduced horizontal footprint (compared to say, a turbine) comes at the cost of increased vertical size.

As for its design speed: the semi-direct flyovers have got 16×16 cell @ 45° minimum curve radiuses, meaning that they can be taken at about 75 km/h. The right-hand connectors are slightly slower at 13 cells @ 45° meeting at their shorter ends (around 65 km/h), but at least I was able to transition them into 18 cell @ 45° de- and accelerating curves – about the normal Highway Ramp speed of 80 km/h.

Aggressive superelevation (banking the curves) would probably work splendidly to make the right-hand turns a bit faster, but unfortunately this option is not available to us in Cities: Skylines.

As for its general layout, this stack interchange is very much inspired by the 1970s cookie-cutter designs done in Dallas’ I-20[]. Quite different from the five-level mania that started to take over Texas about a decade later!

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If you haven’t heard about the Cities: Skylines Mods, it’s definitely the time to be introduced. These additional files provide a gamer with extra features which are not originally included to the game. Cities: Skylines Mods free files are costless and can accessed by everyone who is interested. The Cities: Skylines Mods download can be completed easily without putting much effort. All you need to do is save the file to your PC and follow the instructions. There should be any problem with that, so no worries. Huge mass of players is using Cities: Skylines Mods around the world, so you shouldn’t stay behind – just click on Cities: Skylines Mods download button and go for the amazing upgrade! The Cities: Skyline game will change massively and it’s all for the best. Who could refuse adding useful functionality to the game? Definitely not you! So complete Cities: Skylines Mods download and take a look at the new version of the game made exactly by you. Sounds fascinating, isn’t it? But it’s better seeing yourself and fulfilling your craziest ideas. We bet there is bunch of them! Express your creativity and make it as useful as never before. It’s definitely a chance to take!

Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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