High Speed Cargo Terminal

Cities: Skylines Mods |

High Speed Cargo Terminal

High Speed Cargo Terminal by Phoenix

Frustrated with how slow the trucks enter your cargo terminal? So was I. Now updated to be placeable *without* needing a road (though it still flashes the ‘not connected’ warning; you can get rid of this by plopping a short, unconnected bit of road next to the front of the lot to get rid of this)! Also has been amended to remove garbage and fire risk (as the trucks don’t seem to visit), though I can’t remove the ‘crime’ problem of the original. Otherwise this has the same costs and requirements as the Vanilla cargo train terminal, but I have modded the pathways to allow a much faster handling of the road cargo… To connect the High Speed Cargo Terminal to your road network, simply connect the two ends of the asset’s one way roads to your road network. It was created and tested as left hand drive, but shouldn’t have problems with right hand drive as CSL seems to automatically swap the routing correctly.

I can’t model, so this is basically an empty lot with a high-speed road; it’s as ugly as heck, but the cargo handling speed is far higher than the vanilla version (I’m getting 100% full cargo trains spawning regularly)… The trucks vanish at the despawn point and do occasionally do weird things if you plop this on a slope or connect a road across the front of the lot (they occasionally dive into the road before despawning, or ignore the roads on the lot and float to the front of the lot), though I think this is an issue with pathing on non-level terrain, and the lot does not level the road to the track… If anyone wants to use this as a building template and pretty it up or adress the pathing issue, please let me know so I can link!

Thanks to BloodyPenguin for the vanilla cargo terminal template and More Network Stuff mod , and to kostrubaty for the Advanced Building Tool

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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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