Classic Alweg Monorail (Seattle Center)

Cities: Skylines Mods |

Classic Alweg Monorail (Seattle Center)

There’s nothin’ on Earth like a genuine, bona-fide, electrified, 6 car monorail!

Experience a vestige of yesterday’s future, where we thought that people would be zipping around on modern, fast, expansive monorails all over the major cities of the world. Then imagine that you’re riding a 55 year old train on a 1 mile route that doesn’t really connect to major transit at one end – but hey – it looks really cool!

This train is based off the 1962 World’s Fair Alweg monorail in Seattle, WA, and is the last running monorail built by the Alweg company. The original trains are still running today, gliding above the streets of Seattle (though really just the one street). This model accurately recreates the train’s unique shape and retro flair, while being stretched just slightly to be more practical for actual transportation.

Features include:
Accurate model and textures
Full illumination map, complete with realistic lack of headlights
Diaphragms to match the prototype’s close coupling and open-gangway design
Efficient, shared textures between the engine and car (single 1024x texture, diffuse, normal, illumination, specular, color mask)
Low-poly mesh (1242 tris on engine, 854 tris on center car)

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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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