3 Track Cargo Train Station

Cities: Skylines Mods |

3 Track Cargo Train Station

v2 released! See notes at bottom.

This new and improved cargo train station is the product of my attempt to improve the vanilla station for longer trains. It works surprising well for something that I had no idea what I was doing when I started.

I have to thank BloodyPenguin for his Cargo Train Terminal Template, More Network Stuff, and Advanced Buildings Editor, without which none of this would have been possible.

You have to have Network Extensions 2, Fine Road Anarchy (both linked on the side), and Mass Transit (DLC). The road inside the station is a 3 lane one-way road and is only available with Network Extensions. I decided to use this particular road to help with traffic flow. You need Fine Road Anarchy because otherwise you can’t extend the train tracks, they are too close together. And finally, the one-way train tracks the station uses are available with Mass Transit. I never tested it with the One-Way Train Tracks mod by BloodyPenguin.

v2: Road changed from a 3 lane one-way to a 4 lane. Helps with better traffic flow and looks better for some other assets I have in mind. Trucks should spawn fine now, no more turning around. I changed the pathway a little which seems to have helped but it also changed train spawning. Originally trains only spawned on the outside rail, but now they can spawn on the inside or outside – which I guess is useful since they point in opposite directions. However, I had to move the inbound trains to the middle track because of this, so if you want trains to bypass the station, you’ll need to build an additional track (like in the pictures above).

A few notes:

You need a road in front of the station but you can delete it after the station is placed. It seems to still function properly after some brief testing. However, you may get the flashing “no road connection” sign. I had it over one station but not another.

Most importantly, yes all 3 tracks are/can be used. All the trains in the screenshots are real, i.e. they aren’t props. I tested this out as a “regular” station, meaning trains can come and go from both sides, but I think it should also work as an end station. Inbound trains will just always de-spawn in this case. Also, the pictures above show props and tracks in the middle which I added later and are not part of this asset. And depending on where you have outside connections, you may have to add a turnaround since trains can only enter from one side (but can exit from both).

You can find TM:PE here:
The trains I used are by bsquiklehausen, which you can find here:

Please rate up if you like this and feel free to comment. Let me know if you have any problems or need help with anything.

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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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