Chevrolet Camaro Z28 (v1.2)
1979 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
Name: Chevrolet Camaro Z28
Top Speed: 160 km/h (32 in the editor)
Colors: yes
Transparent windows: yes
Class: Residential
Mesh: 2443 tris
Textures: 512 x 512 px
The model was made as a dragster version by Pro Chevelle for Need for Speed 4.
Sniper modified the mesh into a streetcar and released it for Need for Speed 4 in 2002.
I heavily edited the mesh, retextured the whole car, added additional texture maps and converted it to Cities: Skylines.
You can download the original release here: NfS4 Version []
v1.2: heavily edited mesh, completely new textures and 500 tris less.
v1.1: better textures